Log in with your social media account
You can link your LOTTE HOTEL Rewards account to your account.
Please proceed with online member authentication.
Benefits per membership level
Level determinations are classified as upgrade, maintenance, and demotion. Upgrade is reflected in the 10th day of every month (once a month) and maintenance and demotion are reflected in the first week of January every year (once a year).
- Conditions for levels
more than 50 nights
70,000 qualifying Point -
more than 25 nights
20,000 qualifying Point -
more than 5 nights
1,500 qualifying Point - Immediately upon signing up
- Accumulated points
- 10%
- 8%
- 6%
- 4%
- Food & beverage discount*
- 10%
- 10%
- 5%
- 5%
- Discount on Laundry*
- 20%
- 15%
- 10%
- Gift eVoucher
- 2 x USD 50 vouchers
- 2 x USD 50 vouchers
- 1 x USD 10 vouchers
- He:on bedding discount
- 20~25%
- 10~15%
- Room upgrades*
- O
- O
- Room upgrade coupon* (Online Coupon)
- 5 coupons
- 3 coupons
- Free Club Lounge admission for 1 accompanying guest (Limited only when staying club room) ①
- O
- O
- 1 free Club Lounge admission coupon for 1 person (Online Coupon) ②
- 3 coupons
- 1 free breakfast coupon for 1 person (Online Coupon)
- 5 coupons
- Welcome amenities*
- O
- O
- Late Checkout
- 14:00
- 14:00
- Free accommodation voucher
- Once a year
- Rollover Nights for next year’s membership level
- O
- Standard special benefits
• REWARDS Members only rate provided
• 10–20% discount is available when issuing offline membership card at LOTTE DUTY FREE stores in Korea (limited to certain brands and items)
• Please note that Food & Beverage discount for SIGNIEL(SEOUL, BUSAN) and LOTTE HOTEL YANGON is 10% for Platinum, 5% for Gold. Silver and Classic are not available.
• Online coupon is only available at Lotte Hotels located in Korea.
• [Platinum/Gold] Late Checkout 14:00 Benefits - In July and August (as of check-out date) excluded from All Chain Hotels.
* will be available at LOTTE HOTELS and SIGNIEL(SEOUL, BUSAN)