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Screen Drawing Make-Up Exhibition

Makeup director, Tae-hee Cho, presents everything about makeup in Korean Cinema
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  • Period 2018-12-29 ~ 2019-04-23 11:00 ~ 20:00
  • place ARA Art Center B1~ B4 Exhibition Hall
  • Ticket 15,000 KRW
  • Homepage https://movieface.modoo.at ※ Check the details on the official website as changes may occur.

The exhibition which introduces makeup contents in Korean cinema, will be held at the ARA Art Center. In this exhibition, makeup director Tae-hee Cho, who has demonstrated his unique ability in the historical period dramas, introduces everything about makeup with 500 exhibits that showcase makeup contents for the first time in Korea.

The exhibition contains all the process of creation of the character image that the public watched and remembered on the screen. More than 500 exhibits showing the characters from 15 movies, including 'Gwanghae' performed by Byung-hun Lee in 'Masquerade', 'Jeongjo' performed by Bin Hyun in 'The Fatal Encounter', 'Crown Prince Sado' played by Ah-in Yoo in 'The Throne', and 'Manchun Yang' played by In-sung Jo in 'The Great Battle', will be showcased. The exhibition consists of seven sections: the 'Masquerade' gallery in B1, 'The Fatal Encounter' and 'The Fortress' gallery in B2, 'The Throne' and 'Rampant' gallery in B3, 'The Great Battle' and 'The History of Makeup' gallery in B4.

Makeup creates not only the characters in contemporary or historical period dramas, but also all the characters from the past, present and future. Through this exhibition, you will be able to experience the artistry of makeup director Tae-hee Cho, who carafully analyzes each character and produces meticulous masterworks until the actor completely embodies the character of the film.
